Thursday 8 October 2015

What has society become?

So i have a few friends that tend to go out to the movies every now and then. Doesn't seem so harmless, does it? Well apparently it is according to society...

The friends that go out is 1 girl and 1 guy, they are only friends and nothing more as both of them are in relationships. Every time that they go out, they are judged as being a couple. Why are we so quick to assume things like this? Are we not allowed to hang out with the opposite gender unless we are in a relationship with them? Because of this, society has caused troubles within their relationships, so now when every they want to go to the movies they drag along another friend so they don't have to deal with this situation. Half of the time it is me being dragged along. I mean don't get me wrong but sometimes it just makes you feel like a third wheel even if you know they aren't dating.

So please, don't be so quick to judge as it hurts others in many ways.

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